
Age: mid-30s
Gender: Male
Race: Highlander Hyur
Height: 6'6"
Build: Solid
Hair: Intricately braided--each strand and bead seems to have its own meaning
Eyes: Blue right eye; left eye usually covered by patch, sometimes covered by some sort of optical device
Marks: Some scarring on face and body

Nationality: Gridanian citizen (naturalized)
Origin: Gyr Abania
Occupation: Conjurer (Hearer)
Associations: Stillglade Fane
Languages: Common, an old Gyr Abanian tribal dialect, Garlean
Skills/Strengths: Conjury, field medicine, one-handed blades, unarmed combat, magitek firearms
Weaknesses: Advanced academic work, some social situations
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: in a relationship with Clement Vimaroix and Viviane Jienuex-Vimaroix
Kovalt showed up in the Black Shroud several years ago, crossing Baelsar's Wall only to get lost in the brambled woods below. He was accepted as a refugee from Gyr Abania, a status made all the easier by the way he was found to hear the myriad voices of the Twelveswood.He began to study conjury to develop these latent talents and repay the Gridanians for taking him in. To the surprise of some, he quickly took to the healing arts, while Wood Wailers he patrolled with soon noticed his familiarity with combat and calm under pressure. However, other students of conjury wondered at the way he kept to himself, sometimes waking in the night with shouts in foreign tongues. His past was, they would pun, shrouded in mystery.Now he can be found as a conjurer in good standing with Stillglade Fane.



I Need a Medic! Do you need healing? Kovalt's both a conjurer and a battlefield medic, and he knows when to be discreet. (Note that in large RP scenes with FCs and strangers mixing, I tend not to jump into healing RP-- many organizations tend to have their own healer characters ready to help, and I'd rather not steal anyone's thunder! Feel free to send me a tell if you think Kovalt could be of use in a particular situation.)Oh Come Ye Wayward Brothers Kovalt was taken from his Gyr Abanian village as a child and conscripted into the Garlean military. This is not something he shares with everyone, though his close friends and senior members of the Conjurers' Guild know some of the particulars. Were you a fellow conscript? Perhaps you'll recognize the signs...Bereft of Hearth and Home Kovalt was born Ala Mhigan, with memories of the village he knew as a boy. Now he's eager to rediscover his culture and learn more about the people he was taken from. Are you Ala Mhigan or interested in Gyr Abanian history? You might find Kovalt an attentive ear.Wood’s Will Be Done Kovalt is a conjurer of Stillglade Fane, and while he often avoids the title, many of the Twelveswood know him as a Hearer. Wood Wailers, Adders, and other conjurers might know him as a dutiful sort, unafraid of taking a few hits for the sake of preserving nature's balance.Worst Teacher Kovalt doesn't consider himself a very good teacher, but he has one student of conjury, Odette, and does his best.Haunted Kovalt used to be haunted only in the metaphorical sense (by past sins, etc.), but lately those sensitive to such things might sometimes catch glimpses of a spirit hovering near him. (The spirit usually appears as a woman in Gyr Abanian tribal dress, and her presence feels benign--or playful--and related to this realm rather than darker ones.) Kovalt doesn't always seem aware of the spirit.(Shamans might know more--send me a tell if interested!)

Kovalt's Spotify playlist here for all your soulful instrumental, folk/power metal, and occasional cyberpunk-themed needs

Art of Kovalt and the Bloodied Briars by yeeyeecowpoke

Art by Zsanjani

Kovalt teaching his student Odette to heal--the hands-on way. Art by Rex

Player Info
Central U.S. time zone, night owl
Player is 30+
RP Loves: Character development, adventure/combat, slice of life, and philosophical.
IC and OOC are not interchangeable for me. Please respect my desire for separation.
I tend towards paragraph RP, though I try to mirror my partner's style and consider the scene's venue. I am not always the best at dealing with heavy scroll--if I miss an emote of yours in such a scene, please feel free to send a tell!
I consider myself a lore-friendly roleplayer, though I'm fine with lore-bending that fills in gaps in existing lore or makes logical extrapolations.
I will engage in mature content and dark themes as long as they make sense and are part of an ongoing storyline. My characters have seen violence, war, revolution, and the destruction stemming from these, and I strive to write in a manner that takes this experience into account while respecting any real-world events that the FFXIV setting alludes to.
With that said, I avoid RP involving rape, sexual abuse, or domestic abuse.
If anything in RP ever makes you uncomfortable, please whisper me or DM me on Discord so we can chat.
Hello! I've been RPing for over a decade in various MMORPGs and pen-and-paper campaigns. I've been playing this character specifically since 2019, and I'm open to making new friends and collaborating with other writers.You can also find me on twitter and housingsnap.